
 Hot Topic: Ransomware

Recent attacks have shown that ransomware is no longer your biggest problem; it is the result of a broader security breach.

Ransomware has become one of the most prolific attack types seen over the past year. This ever - increasing threat has the potential to cripple your organisation and have long-lasting consequences.

Rather than take your chances with ransomware, it’s best to take a few simple steps to put your organisation in a stronger position to resist attackers and be able to recover in the event that your business falls victim to such an attack.

Download you copy of our FREE Ransomware Checklist now to start working towards a defensible and recoverable cyber posture today.


 Why is Cybersecurity Important?

Technology is moving away from its previous role in businesses as a mere assistant to being critical to company operations. Data and other digital resources are now considered key assets to any business, and warrant certain protections. The rapid evolution of the threat landscape is putting greater pressure on businesses to keep up with this pace, that is only going to increase as we move further into the information age and a highly digitized world.

While protecting your assets is always an imperative, hardware and software can recover after a cyber attack, however the damage to your reputation can be almost impossible to come back from. Your clients, customers or partners will leave in droves if sensitive data leaks or malicious attacks come to light.

Your security plan should guard you against the three key risks when it comes to cyber and information security:

  • Reputation

  • Revenue

  • Regulation

Using our tried-and-tested MVP (Minimum Viable Protection) framework, we’ll ensure your reputation stays intact, your revenue streams are secure, and you don’t fall foul of the New Zealand Privacy regulators.

With 97% of New Zealand businesses falling into the small-medium sized category, our aim and priority is to help raise the level of cyber awareness and defence capability across these businesses in New Zealand, so please get in contact. We’re here to help.

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Looking for some up to date information on relevant threats for NZ? Check out our free Cyber Guidance Cheat Sheets for insights to improve your security awareness and cyber posture.

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